nearly 5 years lived here felt like the blink of an eye. warm, salty waves and hand-chopped coconuts, sunset longboard rides, sandy swimsuits, pizza on the cliffs, and a hike around every corner.
I lived and worked with “youth with a mission (YWAM) maui”, a christian missions organization based out of maui that is dedicated to preparing young adults to bring the Gospel all around the world, by helping them build foundations in the Word of God and their identity as His sons and daughters. we studied the Word and cross-cultural ministry, and then flew to the nations to serve them through practical ministries and to tell them the good news: they are loved by God! God used this program to change my life to the core; maui will forever feel like home to me because of what God did in my heart in this place.
learn more about ywam maui
if these photos stir your heart for what God is doing in the nations, click the resources below to learn more! there are many missionaries currently working to equip the students in the program, many students being trained, and many missionaries currently on the field overseas.